SAVE WIMBLEDON PARK GROUP’S reaction to AELTC’s proposed amends to proposals to develop Wimbledon Park – 9 May 2024

12 May 2024

On 9 May the GLA wrote to everyone who had previously commented on the All England Lawn Tennis Club proposals to develop Wimbledon Park, informing them that AELTC has changed their planning application.

The response of Save Wimbledon Park is articulated in the Press Release that is below. 

Save Wimbledon Park is suggesting that this would be a good time for Southfields residents who have previously lodged an objection on the GLA planning website to do so again, saying how unimpressed they are by the latest developments. There is only a 30 day period for local residents to respond so please get cracking! Thank you.’


 Thursday 9th May 2024

Iain Simpson, Chair, Save Wimbledon Park, said,

“AELTC’s proposed minor modifications are extremely disappointing and change nothing. The area will still become exactly what we said three years ago – a huge industrial tennis complex. And for what is such an enormous development on protected land, the AELTC continue in failing to justify their specific needs for expansion. Wandsworth unanimously rejected the application for this very reason.

These tiny amendments are an insult to the community AELTC claim to be part of. The park will still be used for set up and take down through the key summer months and public access will still be ‘permissive’. This means that they can close it at any time denying access to important open green space that is there for people’s recreation and well-being.

The application, as it stands, would overturn all of the excellent promises that the mayor and assembly members have made only recently to preserve, amongst many issues, London’s open green spaces and their work to make our air cleaner, particularly around schools. This is a city wide issue and we continue to campaign on behalf of all Londoners.”

Notes To Editors

• The enlarged area now offered for public access (outside of the Championships) will be less than the 11.1ha or 24.7 acres claimed as it continues to include restricted or closed areas such as the maintenance hub, staff car park and the nature reserve.

• It remains the case that all public access to the parkland areas offered in this application will only be available with the AELTC’s permission, which could be withdrawn.

Updated documents are available on the LB Merton and LB Wandsworth websites (entries dated 8th May 2024) :

For more information contact Jonathan Morrish (07802 239416 or

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