NOTE FROM AELTC – update on proposals to transform the former Wimbledon Park Golf Course – 9 May 2024

12 May 2024

We are sharing in line with our original consultations, ‘an update on our plans to transform the former Wimbledon Park Golf Course that we will shortly make public.   

Following the decision by the Mayor of London’s office to call in our planning application, the Mayor’s planning officers have been making their own detailed assessment of our plans.   

Since our application was submitted back in July 2021, and having spoken to 7,000 people about the plans since then, we are pleased to share that having listened to feedback from local people and working with the Greater London Authority, we are proposing to increase the amount of green space open to the public on the former private golf course.   

The proposed new parkland will be located at the northern entrance to the site and would be adjacent to the entrance to the existing Wimbledon Park, owned and operated by Merton Council. This northern parkland will complement the 23-acre parkland already proposed in the southern part of the site, bordering Home Park Road.   

This will mean that, subject to planning permission being granted, there will be more than 27 acres of the former private members golf course open to the public to use as part of the successful delivery of the AELTC Wimbledon Park Project.  

As part of these developments we are also proposing to enhance the community facilities in the much-loved public Wimbledon Park. Subject to planning permission being granted, the development will unlock a state-of-the-art children’s playground, new public toilet facilities, extensive new planting and an upgrade to the Watersports and Outdoor Centre, as well as new pathway links to both the northern and southern parklands.  

We are really keen that everyone has an opportunity to see the plans for the northern parkland in person and accordingly have organised a series of drop-in sessions.

If you are available you would be most welcome to come along to one of these sessions which are taking place on 17, 19 and 20 May.  All the details for these consultation days can be found at and we hope to see you there.’

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