Join SGRA and get involved

How to join us and how to get involved

As a friendly bunch we are always looking for new people to contribute to life on the Grid, and help make Southfields a better place for everyone. You can get involved with the SGRA by either becoming a Member or Friend,  coming to our public meetings, assisting at events, becoming a street representative and/or sharing your skills with our community.

Southfields Grid Residents' Association
Southfields Grid Residents' Association
Southfields Grid Residents' Association
Southfields Grid Residents' Association


Become a Member of SGRA

Membership is open to anyone over the age of 18  who resides or works in the geographical area[1] of SGRA. For an annual subscription (minimum £5) you will be able to receive email updates and attend the AGM where you will have a vote. If you wish to be a Member, and before you submit any personal data, please read our Data Privacy Notice.  

You can become a Member by either:

·         By an email to and we will reply with details on how you can pay a subscription online.

·         After payment, please email our Membership Secretary at with your: name; email address; role (e.g. resident, local councillor, police officer etc); and finally your house number and street.

If you are content for SGRA to hold these details, please include in your email the following wording: ‘I consent to the SGRA to holding and processing my contact details as defined in the SGRA Data Privacy Notice.’  Without your consent we are unable to hold your contact details, and therefore not be able to provide details of SGRA meetings, activities or other updates.


·         putting cash in the subscription envelope which is normally posted through your letter box once a year with the summer edition of Grid News. After you have put cash in, completed your contact details including your email address and ticked the box to confirm ‘The SGRA can hold your contact details’ please deliver to your street representative whose contact details will be on the envelope.

You can withdraw or change your consent at any time by emailing or by unsubscribing via the email.

Become a Friend of SGRA

Friends, as opposed to Members, receive relevant information about the SGRA’s activities yet live outside the geographical area of the Southfields Grid and cannot vote at any SGRA Public or Annual/ Special General Meeting(s). Friends can include those whose role (e.g. as elected MPs, Councillors & Assembly Members) is helpful to SGRA in achieving its aims. If you are interested in becoming a Friend, please email .


SGRA public meetings – a friendly and social environment

At our public meetings we’ve regular updates on Grid issues, special guests providing useful information on what’s happening locally, and you can contribute to all the discussions. There’s always a “social” at the end of each meeting, where you have time to discuss things with others informally over refreshments. They take place six times a year and are normally held on the last Tuesday evening of January, March, May, July, September & November at 7.45pm. You can find details of them here.  If you can’t attend the meeting in person, and are a Grid Resident or a Friend, you will be able to join the meeting on Zoom.

Help our street representatives (Street Reps)

We’ve a network of Street Reps covering all Grid streets. Being our point of contact, Street Reps primarily deliver our newsletter ‘Grid News’ three times a year, collect our annual cash subscriptions, help publicise SGRA backed community events (e.g. putting posters on trees) as well keeping an eye out on developments or issues affecting their street. If you’d like to help them, please contact your street rep via a link here).  Also, if there is vacancy for a rep in your Street you are interested in filling please let us know at .

Share your skills and expertise with us

If you have a useful skill you feel the SGRA may benefit from, perhaps computer/IT knowledge, PR or planning expertise, do make yourself known at . The SGRA will usually have something you can help us with.

[1] those properties in east side of  Wimbledon Park Road between Pirbright and Replingham Roads; Pirbright, Replingham, Brookwood, Lavenham Roads & north-side of Revelstoke Road; west side of Merton Road between Revelstoke & Replingham Roads; Astonville, Clonmore, Elborough, Elsenham, Engadine, Heythorp & Trentham Streets; Hanford Close, Hamilton Mews & Langton Place.