AELTC development proposals: SGRA letter of objection to GLA Deputy Mayor

17 January 2024

Today, Charles Runcie – Chair, Southfields Grid Residents’ Association wrote a letter to Jules Pipe (Deputy Mayor – GLA) objecting to the AELTC development proposals outlined in Planning Application 21/P2900.


Dear Mr. Pipe

21/P2900 Wimbledon Park Golf Course

Stage reference:  2021/1136/S2

I am writing on behalf of the Southfields Grid Residents’ Association to object to this planning application. We are a long-established residents’ association in Wandsworth. One of our residential streets is adjacent to Wimbledon Park which together with Wimbledon Park Golf Course and the Wimbledon Club form the Grade11* registered Park and Garden. Following a membership survey, we have a mandate to oppose the AELTC’s development proposals as they currently stand.

The former Wimbledon Park Golf Course is designated as Metropolitan Open Land (MOL), is a heritage site and is a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation. It is also part of the North Wimbledon Conservation Area. Capability Brown designed the original parkland. Numerous National, London Plan and Local Plan planning policies protect this space from inappropriate development. 

AELTC’s development proposals, particularly the 8,000-seater stadium and extensive re-landscaping, for commercial sport and entertainment use will cause substantial harm to and loss of visual and spatial openness to MOL and be inappropriate development. The extent of the development would result in the net loss of open and green space without AELTC making replacement provision. There are concerns about the harm to heritage assets, the felling of at least 300 mature trees, and the possibility of damage to the biodiversity of an ecologically sensitive site. In addition, the increased visitor numbers will severely impact on Southfields station and centre and the need for heavy construction traffic to pass through Southfields for many years will be detrimental to the amenity of residents.

Despite AELTC’s proposals to justify Very Special Circumstances we ask that this land be protected from this development and the application be refused.

Yours sincerely

Charles Runcie

Chair, Southfields Grid Residents Association

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