Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions we get asked about the SGRA.

Southfields Grid Residents' Association
Southfields Grid Residents' Association
Southfields Grid Residents' Association
Southfields Grid Residents' Association

In 1975 the SGRA was set up to raise issues about Southfields Grid and celebrate the community living there.  Our motto is “Making a difference to life on the Grid.”  We cover the area of Southfields Ward in the Borough of Wandsworth known as Southfields Grid bounded by Pirbright Road, the centre lines of Merton and Revelstoke Roads together with the District Line tracks from Southfields Station to Revelstoke Road bridge.  Roads south of Revelstoke Road towards Arthur Road come under the aegis of the Wimbledon Park Residents Association and are located in the Borough of Merton.

The SGRA comprises an Executive Committee which is elected annually at our AGM in May.  We have street representatives for each Grid street.  They collect our annual membership subscriptions, distribute our newsletter ‘Grid News,’ and generally keep an eye on things in their streets reporting issues of common concern such as graffiti or broken paving stones.

We hold various free events throughout the year, including the Seniors Tea Party each spring.  Our newsletter “Grid News” is distributed to every Grid household three times a year.  We hold our Front Gardens Awards annually to encourage people to spruce up their house front areas.  We help promote events run by others, such as Southfields Harvest on the last Saturday of September and the Christmas Lights switch-on in early December.


The SGRA holds six public meetings a year, taking place at St Barnabas Church hall, Lavenham Road, normally on the last Tuesday of January, March, May (AGM), July, September and November from 7.45-9.30 pm. 

We are also active on social media.  We have a dedicated Facebook group with around 1900 followers.  We contribute to Nextdoor, as around 70% of Grid households subscribe to the Southfields Grid area on  We are also on Twitter – @SouthfieldsGrid

The SGRA regularly liaises with several allied groups on the Grid, in particular the Friends of Wimbledon Park and Green the Grid.   We are also in regular dialogue with our local MP, London Assembly member and Wandsworth councillors, as well as numerous other official bodies and local government officials.

We can help you raise an issue of common concern such as abandoned rental bicycles and other vehicles or broken pavements which are spoiling your street.  The SGRA can also help you promote or raise awareness of an event or service of common benefit to all Grid householders, such as a play or musical performance. 

Membership is collected during the summer from all households.  It is currently a minimum of £5, though many give more.

If you have an issue you feel has not been resolved, or wanted to raise something of common concern, please come along to any SGRA meeting.  The SGRA are a friendly bunch, and there’s always a “social” at the end of each meeting where you have time to meet and discuss things with others informally.
If you are willing to help our street reps they would be grateful, either helping to deliver things or providing an extra pair of helping hands where needed.
If you have a special skill that you feel the SGRA may benefit from – from computer skills to PR or legal expertise – please do make yourself known and the SGRA will usually have something you can assist on.